OMG, this is sad...A dude actually brought this to my attention and I didn’t think of it myself…BUT, do you think that Ashton and Demi are creating all this hype to make the new “Two and Half Men” successful?? Think about it! It makes sense when you think about it…
One: Did all the rumors NOT start with Demi TWEETING? I don’t know about ALL married women out there, but if your husband cheated, would you TWEET it to the world?? Highly doubtful. Especially because it was rumored that Demi said they could have an "open marriage" as long as he kept it quiet and didn’t embarrass her. I don’t know if that’s true, BUT if it is, why would she start her own rumors? She wouldn’t is my point.
Two: Now all of a sudden they are out in public together all happy like nothing happened. It’s all coming together now; nothing did happen; it was all staged!! Pfft, so disappointing…I knew those two weren’t breaking up. NEXT! Losers…thanks for nothing!
Tori Spelling welcomes 3rd Child
Oh- here’s something I care about…syke! You know what’s really funny about this…I read about it, then I went back to search for more info, and I couldn’t even find what I originally found! Stupid.
This is so stupid…BeyoncĂ© Shoots Down Fake Bump Rumors- Dumb. Seriously, why even create such a stupid rumor? That’s so stupid.
I forgot to find a picture, so, here's better picture anyway....that's hot.